With it's DVD release today i have just seen the movie Taken for the first time. Almost every review I've seen has said that it has horrible plot lines and is hard to follow because of this. For those people I will just say one thing, "fucking morons". This movie is fantastic. It shows Liam Neeson basically being the best father in the world. He goes across the ocean to save his daughter from being kidnapped. Without giving anything away, I will just say that the movie has tremendous acting from both Liam and the people he beats the shit out of. He is a man on a mission. His mission is to basically beat the hell out of everyone in Europe until he finds his daughter. And within this movie he basically does beat the hell out of everyone in Europe. I recommend this movie to anyone that likes action, or Liam Neeson, or just anyone wanting to see someone get the shit kicked out of them in creative ways.
I just saw that movie yesterday and it was suprisingly good. I was expecting a stupid, typical action movie plot line and that's what I got. BUT, it was good. Liam Nieson was awesome and if that guy threatened me I would probably be shitting my pants. It was a good action movie, with lots of shooting, driving, and fighting. What more would you want at times?