I have been a Terminator fan since I was a little kid. I grew up watching Terminator 2 and even remember having a bunch of the toys. Actually, I think I still have a few collectibles, but anyways, Terminator Salvation actually looks like it might be halfway decent.
I was a little concerned at first even thinking about Terminator without Arnold. Rumor has it that he will be featured in digital form. I guess that Arnold wanted to be featured in the movie, but did not want to act. This idea of a digital cameo make me a little bit nervous. Somehow the thought of Arnold being portrayed in full CGI makes me nervous because if they ruin his depiction, they will be ruining a cinema icon!
Christian Bale looks like he will be okay in the role of John Connor as long as he doesn't use the Batman voice for the whole movie! After hearing his rant on set (Listen to it here), it made me somewhat doubt him. He said he overreacted, but I believe that to be an understatement! Let's hope that doesn't affect Mr. Bale's image too much because that's just bad for business!
Otherwise, this looks like a fresh look into the post-apocalyptic world that Cameron first created in 1984. The action sequences in this film look pretty good and the CGI doesn't disappoint so far. I don't know why they chose to make this film PG-13, probably a clever ratings scheme to try and get younger audiences to the film and then release an Unrated DVD version! I just think it's stupid when a series has the first 3 films rated R and the newest goes down to PG-13. I was excited for Alien Vs. Predator, until I found out that it was rated PG-13 and what it lost in violence it also lost in quality! I am still going to see this film, but who knows if the series can survive with a new man at the helm and without Arnold Schwarzenegger?
This trailer made me want to see this film! Check it out here!
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